Make the gun industry pick up the Medicaid costs of gunshot victims.
“2020 Firearm Injuries Up More Than 70%–Worse in Black and Hispanic Young Men.”
A national study just out from the Epic Health Research Network is sobering.
No. Make that horrific. Make that appalling.
The report found that injuries from firearms during 2020 “…increased for non-White populations by between 76% and 89% while they increased for the White population by 40%.”. (1)
Although highly laudable, community initiatives to curb gun violence don’t ever seem to get much traction.
It’s time, I believe, to put the force of money behind those efforts.
The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement of 1998 offers a splendid precedent.
You’ll recall that almost all of the states obtained recoveries from tobacco companies for the Medicaid funds they expend in treating sick smokers. Costs are spread to people who continue to smoke. (2)
Why should gun injuries have to be paid for out of general tax funds?
Why not compel the gun industry to pick up the Medicaid costs of gunshot victims? Why not spread those costs to the purchasers and users of firearms and ammunition?
Tell me what you think.