Let's look at a federal tax return from the American Rifle Association
SummersTimes: Public Policy Analysis from Scott Summers
As we have discussed, the federal tax returns of many nonprofits are public records. (Try searching IRS Forms 990 for yourself on www.Guidestar.org.)
The 2018 return from the National Rifle Association seems to be the most recent one available. Have a look:
On page 8, it’s revealed that Ackerman McQueen Inc. received almost $32 million for “public relations and advertising”.
Page 12 shows that expenses for the year exceeded revenues, thereby reducing net assets.
According to page 21 data, board member Ted Nugent received $64,234 for “other professional services” (see note on page 82).
Per pages 24 and 65, chief executive officer Wayne LaPierre had over $2 million in compensation.
President Oliver North earned over $1.3 million (see page 25), which was paid by an “unrelated organization” (page 62). That organization turns out to be Ackerman McQueen (page 82). “Certain of these payments are disputed and subject to ongoing litigation” (page 82).
Page 68 reveals that former board member Tom Selleck was paid $476,000 for a firearms collection.
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