Getting the Lead Out, Continued: Ammunition
Ammunition is yet another manifestation of lead toxicity in our environment – and, it seems, in our very selves.
It’s November now. In the rural area where I live, hunting season has begun.
Lead shot and lead bullets are widely favored by hunters.
Lead. Toxic lead.
Federal regulations are few. Use of lead shot in the hunting of waterfowl was prohibited nationally beginning in 1991. (1)
During the waning hours of the Obama administration, the director of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service issued Order 219 (“Use of Nontoxic Ammunition and Fishing Tackle”), regarding the use of lead shot and lead fishing gear. (2)
On March 02, 2017, however, President Trump’s then-new Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, revoked it. (3) I cannot find any indication that Mr. Zinke’s action has since been modified or changed.
A few states require use of non-toxic ammunition under limited circumstances. (4)
But they are not enough. I believe that uniform national standards are required for the materials used in ammunition for hunting.
It's not just an environmental issue. It now appears that the lead in ammunition affects human health.
The National Parks Service (also part of the Department of the Interior) states: “(W)hile the results are preliminary and much further study needs to be done to better assess risks to humans, it appears that if lead bullets are used, odds are high that you will ingest lead particles in ground game meat.” (5) (Emphasis added.) The Service in turn references an academic study. (6)
The conclusion? Ammunition is yet another manifestation of lead toxicity in our environment – and, it seems, in our very selves.
Get the lead out!