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What the hell is a ""preemptive pardon" other than permanent immunity from prosecution for those whom the president favors?

This dangerous idea, that the president can nullify the concept of equal justice under the law, became established when President Gerald Ford granted what amounted to permanent legal immunity to the criminal Richard M. Nixon back in 1974.

This disgusting assault upon the idea that every citizen is subject to the rule of law without respect to his or her political or economic or social prominence has initiated a perverse tradition that has been invoked by later presidents, including most recently Genocide Joe Biden and his fellow draft-dodger-in-chief Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump, who have used their alleged right to pardon and/or immunize from prosecution and incarceration to protect political cronies who have been involved in crimes that threaten the very fiber of our democratic principles. 

No person is above the law. Anyone who says otherwise is an enemy of the Constitution.

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